MSU Community Development
Paul Lachapelle is Professor in the Department of Political Science at Montana State University-Bozeman and serves as the Extension Community Development Specialist. His teaching and research spans many disciplines and practices including community climate change resiliency, diversity and inclusion, social impact investing and social justice topics. His publications include the edited book, “Addressing Climate Change at the Community Level” (Routledge 2019) as well as journal articles on energy impacts in communities, democratic practice and local governance, and community visioning and leadership. He earned a Ph.D. (Forestry) at the University of Montana's College of Forestry and Conservation with a focus on natural resource policy and governance and serves as Editor of the Community Development Society Current Issues Book Series and member of the Board of Directors (and past-President) of the International Association for Community Development.
Community development; community climate change resiliency; diversity and inclusion; social justice; social impact investing; local governance; public participation; public issues education
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College of Forestry and Conservation
Ph.D. Forestry (2006)
School of Forestry
M.S. Resource Conservation (2000)
School of Natural Resources
B.S. (Honors) Environmental Studies (1997)
Lachapelle, P.R., and D. Albrecht. (Eds.), 2019. Addressing Climate Change at the Community Level in the United States. Community Development Research and Practice Series, New York: Routledge. (LINK)
Lachapelle, P.R., I. Gutierrez-Montes, and C.B. Flora. (Eds.), (in print, June 2020) Community Capacity and Resilience in Latin America. Community Development Research and Practice Series, New York: Routledge. (LINK)
Lachapelle, P.R. and M. Rios. (Eds.) 2017. Community Development and Democratic Practice. New York: Routledge. (LINK)
Weaver, K. L. and P.R. Lachapelle. 2010. Governing Montana at the Grass Roots: Local Government Structure, Process and Politics (3rd ed.). Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension. 333 pages. (LINK)
Book Chapters
Lachapelle, P.R., I. Gutierrez-Montes, and C.B. Flora. (in print, June 2020) Community Capacity and Resilience in Latin America through the Community Capitals Lens. In: Lachapelle, P.R., I. Gutierrez-Montes, and C.B. Flora. (Eds.). Community Capacity and Resilience in Latin America. New York: Routledge.
Lachapelle, P.R., and D. Albrecht. 2019. Community approaches to climate change: Challenges and opportunities in the 21st Century. In: Lachapelle, P.R., and D. Albrecht. (Eds.), Addressing Climate Change at the Community Level in the United States. Community Development Research and Practice Series, New York: Routledge.
Albrecht, D. and P. Lachapelle. 2019. Local Adaptation to Climate Change: What Comes Next? In: Lachapelle, P.R., and D. Albrecht. (Eds.), Addressing Climate Change at the Community Level in the United States. Community Development Research and Practice Series, New York: Routledge.
Rios, M. and P.R. Lachapelle. 2017. Community Development and Democratic Practice: Pas de deux or distinct and different? In: Lachapelle, P.R. and M. Rios. (Eds.) Community Development and Democratic Practice. New York: Routledge. (LINK)
Lachapelle, P.R. 2015. Perspectives on current issues. In: R. Phillips and R. Pittman (Eds.) An Introduction to Community Development 2nd ed. (pp. 363-374) New York: Routledge. (PDF 3.0 M)
Lachapelle, P.R., M. Emery, and R.L. Hays. 2015. The pedagogy and practice of community visioning: Evaluating effective community strategic planning in rural Montana. In: N. Walzer and G. Hamm (eds.). Community Visioning Programs: Processes and Outcomes. New York: Routledge. (PDF 2.8 M)
Allen, R. and P.R. Lachapelle. 2015. Can leadership development act as a rural poverty alleviation strategy? In: N. Walzer and S. Cordes (eds.) Innovative Community Change Practices. New York: Routledge. (PDF 3.5 M)
Lachapelle, P.R., and E. Austin. 2014. Community Participation. In: Alex C. Michalos (Ed.). Encyclopedia of Quality of Life and Well-Being Research (pp. 1073-1078) New York: Springer Publishing. (PDF 104KB)
Lachapelle, P.R., T. Dunnagan, and J. Real Bird. 2013. Applying innovative approaches to address health disparities in native populations: an assessment of the Crow Men's Health Project. In: R. Ogilvie (ed.) Community Development Approaches to Improving Public Health. (pp. 107-121). New York: Routledge. (PDF 4.39 MB)
Lachapelle, P.R., M. Emery, and C. French. 2012. A Framework for Teaching and Implementing Community Visioning. In: N. Walzer (ed.). Community Visioning Programs: Processes and Outcomes. (pp. 74-94). New York: Routledge. (PDF 3.73 MB)
French, C. and P.R. Lachapelle. 2012. The Importance of Intangible Outcomes. In: N. Walzer (ed.). Community Visioning Programs: Processes and Outcomes. (pp. 95-112). New York: Routledge. (PDF 3.29 MB)
Lachapelle, P.R. 2009. Stacking the deck. In: Menzel, D. (ed.) Ethics Moments in Government: Cases and Controversies. (pp. 204-206). New York: Taylor and Francis. (PDF 1.07MB, LINK)
Lachapelle, P.R. and S.F. McCool. 2003. Planning Outdoor Recreation. In: J. Jenkins and J. Pigram (eds.) Encyclopedia of Leisure and Outdoor Recreation. pp. 370-373. London: Routledge. (PDF 482KB)
McCool, S.F. and P.R. Lachapelle. 2000. Recreational uses of mountain forests. In: M. F. Price and N. Butt, (eds.) Forests in Sustainable Mountain Development: A State of Knowledge Report for 2000. (IUFRO Research Series no. 5). pp. 330-337. New York, NY: CABI Publishing. (PDF 596KB)
Journal Articles
Howard, M., A. Selena, P. Lachapelle and M. Schure. 2020. Farmer and Rancher Perceptions of Climate Change and Their Relationships with Mental Health. The Journal of Rural Mental Health. (LINK)
Hustedde, R. & P. Lachapelle. 2019. Love and Community Development. Practice Insights: International Association for Community Development. 13:44-45.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2019. Experiencing Ireland through the IACD Practice Exchange. Practice Insights: International Association for Community Development. 13:46-47
Haggerty, J., K. Smith, J. Weigle, T. Kelsey, K. Walsh, R. Coupal, D. Kay, and P. Lachapelle. 2019. Tradeoffs, balancing, and adaptation in the agriculture-oil and gas nexus: Insights from farmers and ranchers in the United States. Energy Research & Social Science. 47:84-92. (PDF 815MB)
Lachapelle, P.R., K. Smith, J. Haggerty and T. Kelsey. 2018. The National Extension Oil and Gas Initiative. Journal of Extension. [On-line], 56(7) Article IAW6. (LINK)
Brain McCann, R., M. Apel, and P.R. Lachapelle. 2018. Sustainability Outreach in the Western United States: Implications for Community Development Extension Professionals. Practice Insights: International Association for Community Development. 10:8-11. (LINK)
Hains, B. and P. Lachapelle. 2018. Perspectives on Community Development Organizational Trends and Trajectories. Practice Insights: International Association for Community Development. 10:39-41. (LINK)
Haggerty, J., K. Smith, T. Mastel, J. Lapan, and P. Lachapelle. 2017. Assessing, monitoring, and addressing boomtown impacts in the US: evaluating an existing public health model, Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 36:1, 115-127. (PDF 2MB)
Lachapelle, P.R. 2016. Community Development through the United States Land Grant University System: The National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals. Practice Insights: International Association for Community Development. 5:20-21. (LINK)
Rios, M. and Lachapelle, P.R. 2015. Community Development and Democratic Practice: Pas de deux or distinct and different? Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society. 46(3): 190-197. (PDF 130 KB)
Treadwell, P., Lachapelle, P., and Howe, R. 2013. Extension learning exchange: Lessons from Nicaragua. Journal of Extension. [On-line], 51(5) Article 5IAW6. Available at: (PDF 70KB)
Lachapelle, P.R. and S.F. McCool. 2012. The role of trust in community wildland fire protection planning. Society and Natural Resources.25(4): 321-335. (PDF 128KB)
Allen, R. and Lachapelle, P.R. 2012. Can leadership development act as a rural poverty alleviation strategy? Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society. 43(1): 95-112. (PDF 556KB)
Lachapelle, P.R., T. Dunnagan, and J. Real Bird. 2011. Applying innovative approaches to address health disparities in native populations: An assessment of the Crow Men's Health Project. Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society. 42(2):240:254 (PDF 114KB)
Lachapelle, P.R. 2011. The use of social networking in community development. CD Practice. 17:1-8. (PDF 887KB)
Lachapelle, P.R. 2011. Leadership and civic engagement outcomes from Horizons: Understanding the potential for increased citizenship. Montana Policy Review. 15(1):17-21. (PDF197KB)
Barnes, J. and P.R. Lachapelle. 2011. The National Board Basics Curriculum Project: A leadership capacity building tool for boards. Journal of Extension. [On-line], 49(3) Article 3TOT4. Available at: (PDF 334KB)
Christopher, S. R. Saha, P. Lachapelle, D. Jennings, Y. Colclough, C. Cooper, C. Cummins, M. Eggers, K. FourStar, K. Harris, S. Kuntz, V. LaFromboise, D. LaVeaux, T. McDonald, J. Real Bird, E. Rink, L. Webster. 2011. Applying indigenous community-based participatory research principles to partnership development in health disparities research. Family & Community Health: The Journal of Health Promotion and Maintenance. 34(3):246-255. (PDF 100KB)
Lachapelle, P.R., M. Emery, and R.L. Hays. 2010. The pedagogy and practice of community visioning: Evaluating effective community strategic planning in rural Montana. Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society. 41(2):176-191. (PDF 201KB)
Lachapelle, P.R. and E.A. Shanahan. 2010. The pedagogy of citizen participation in local government: Designing and implementing effective board training programs for municipalities and counties. Journal of Public Affairs Education. 16(3):401-419. (PDF 111KB)
Lachapelle, P.R., E. Austin, and D. Clark. 2010. Community strategic visioning as a method to address poverty: An analysis from select rural Montana communities. Journal of Extension. 48(1) Article 1FEA1. (PDF 134KB)
Lachapelle, P.R. 2008. A sense of ownership in community development: Understanding the potential for participation in community planning efforts. Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society. 39(2):52-59. (PDF 129KB)
Lachapelle, P.R. and S.F. McCool. 2007. Claiming "ownership": A response to Manning and Ginger. Society and Natural Resources. 20(2):193-198. (PDF 76KB)
Watson, A., B. Glaspell, N. Christensen, P. Lachapelle, V. Sahanatien, F. Gertsch. 2007. Giving voice to wildlands visitors: Selecting indicators to protect and sustain experiences in the Eastern Arctic of Nunavut. Environmental Management. 40:880-888. (PDF 150KB)
Lachapelle, P.R. and S.F. McCool. 2005. Exploring the concept of "ownership" in natural resource planning. Society and Natural Resources. 18(3):279-285. (PDF 96KB)
Lachapelle, P.R., P.D. Smith and S.F. McCool. 2004. Access to power or genuine empowerment? An analysis of three community forest groups in Nepal. Human Ecology Review. 11(1):1-12. (PDF 96KB)
Lachapelle, P.R., S.F. McCool, and M.E. Patterson. 2003. Barriers to effective natural resource planning in a "messy" world. Society and Natural Resources. 16(6):473-490. (PDF 152KB)
Lachapelle, P.R. and J.C. Clark. 1999. The application of a solar “hot box” to pasteurize toilet compost in Yosemite National Park. Park Science. 19(1):1-24. (PDF 225KB)
Lachapelle, P.R. 1998. Managing sanitation in protected areas: problems and challenges in Sagarmatha (Mt. Everest) National Park, Nepal. Himalayan Research Bulletin. 17(1):177-180. (PDF 283KB)
Lachapelle, P.R., B.L. Land, and J.C. Clark. 1997. The problem of human waste disposal in national parks: a solar energy experiment in Yosemite National Park, California, USA. Mountain Research and Development. 17(2):53-57. (PDF 1MB)
MSU Extension Publications
Ward, M. and P.R. Lachapelle (Eds.). 2019. 4-H Weather and Climate Youth Learning Lab. Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension. 70 pages.
Lachapelle, P.R., J. Anderson, J. Fulbright, A. Phillip, M. Reed, and L. Terry, 2018. Community Foundations in Montana. MSU Extension MontGuide MT201803HR. Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension. 4 pages. (LINK)
Johnson, J., J. Hendrikx, P.R.Lachapelle, 2017. Montana Avalanche Safety. MSU Extension MontGuide MT201706AG. Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension. 4 pages (LINK)
Lachapelle, P.R., D. Clark, and B. Christensen. 2016. Montana Local Government Board Handbook: A Guide to Serving on Boards, Districts, Commissions and Committees. Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension. 95 pages. (LINK)
Booth, J. and P.R. Lachapelle (Editors). 2014. Developing Leadership at All Levels. Montana Policy Review. 17(1).
Lachapelle, P.R. and D. Clark. 2013. Montana Public Lands Guide: 2013. Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension. 43 pages.
Lachapelle, P.R., K. Anderson, and W. Wedum. 2011. Strategic Visioning for Community Development. MSU Extension MontGuide MT201107HR. Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension. 4 pages. (PDF 282KB)
Lachapelle, P.R., C. Costakis, and D. Clark (Editors). 2011. Community Resiliency and the Built Environment: Innovations and Policy Issues in Montana. Montana Policy Review. 15(2). (PDF 2.1MB)
Lachapelle, P.R. and D. Clark (Editors). 2011. Montana Horizons: Program Outcomes and Policy Implications. Montana Policy Review. 15(1). (PDF 745KB)
Lachapelle, P.R. 2010. Citizen participation and interaction. In: K. Weaver (ed.). Montana Municipal Officials Handbook. (pp. 175-182) Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension. (PDF 157KB)
Lachapelle, P.R. and J. Pioro (compilation). 2010. 2010 Rural Community Conference Proceedings. DVD-ROM. Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension.
Lachapelle, P.R. and B. Graham. 2010. Montana Horizons Program: Transforming Communities from Striving to Thriving. Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension 17 pages. (PDF 4.47MB)
Lachapelle, P.R. 2010. City of Bozeman Ethics Handbook. Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension. 14 pages. (PDF 207KB)
Lachapelle, P.R. and C. Flaherty. 2009. Montana Horizons Program: Transforming Communities from Striving to Thriving. Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension 21 pages. (PDF 1.28MB)
Lachapelle, P.R. 2009. The Crow Men's Health Project. In: Empowering Montana Native Families and Communities. (p. 7) Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension. (PDF 1007KB)
Lachapelle, P.R. and M. A. Anderson. 2008. Serving on County Boards, Districts, Commissions and Committees: A Handbook for Members, Local Government Officials and Citizens. Pub. No. 4500. Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension. 47 pages. (LINK)
Lachapelle, P.R. and T. Mastel. 2008. Using Focus Groups for Community Development. MSU Extension MontGuide MT200807HR. Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension. 4 pages. (PDF 250KB)
Lachapelle, P.R. and J. Pioro (compilation). 2010. 2010 Rural Community Conference Proceedings. DVD-ROM. Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension.
Lachapelle, P.R. and J. Real Bird. 2009. Crow Men's Health. DVD. Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension. 10:22 min. (ORDER LINK, SITE LINK)
Lachapelle, P.R. and B. Graham (compilation). 2009. 2009 Rural Community Conference Proceedings. DVD-ROM. Bozeman, MT: MSU Extension
Conference Proceedings
Lachapelle, P., L. Terry, S. Davison. 2018. Community Development from a Cooperative Extension Perspective. In: Proceedings of the World Community Development Conference 2018. June 24-27 Maynooth University, Kildare, Ireland.
Hains, K., Hains, B., Lachapelle, P., and Rice, T. (Eds.). 2017. Big Skies, Bold Partnerships: Moving Mountains Together: Proceedings of the 2017 CDS-NACDEP Conference. June 11-14 2017, Big Sky, Montana, USA.
Sero, R., P.R. Lachapelle, and D. Hansen. 2017. Using an Innovative Approach to Examine Community Work: Case Studies of Qualitative Indicators. (pp 93-94) In: Hains, K., B. Hains, P.Lachapelle, and T. Rice. (Eds.). Big Skies, Bold Partnerships: Moving Mountains Together: Proceedings of the 2017 CDS-NACDEP Conference. June 11-14 2017, Big Sky, Montana, USA.
Welborn, R., P.R. Lachapelle, and L. King. 2017. Uniting Extension to Foster Community Unity. (pp 112-113) In: Hains, K., B. Hains, P.Lachapelle, and T. Rice. (Eds.). Big Skies, Bold Partnerships: Moving Mountains Together: Proceedings of the 2017 CDS-NACDEP Conference. June 11-14 2017, Big Sky, Montana, USA.
McConnell, C., P.Lachapelle, G. Rennie, J. Stansfield, and G. Wise. 2017. Creating an International Code of Ethics and Occupational Standards for Community Development Action. In: Stansfield, J. and Frankland-Hutchinson, A. (Eds.). Proceedings of ACDA and IACD Conference: Sustainably Yours, Community Development and a Sustainable Just Future. Auckland, New Zealand: Unitec Institute of Technology.
Wise, G., P. Lachapelle and J. Wolery. 2017. Community-Led Economic Development in the United States: How the Community Capitals Framework encourages sustainable approaches. In: Stansfield, J. and Frankland-Hutchinson, A. (Eds.). Proceedings of ACDA and IACD Conference: Sustainably Yours, Community Development and a Sustainable Just Future. Auckland, New Zealand: Unitec Institute of Technology.
Lachapelle, P.R. and D. Clark. 2009. Community visioning as a method of collective learning and community development: An analysis from select rural Montana communities. Abstract in Proceedings of The Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) Galaxy III Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Sept. 15-19, 2008. (PDF 1.61MB)
Roney, S.A., J.D. Johnson, and P.R. Lachapelle. 2008. A longitudinal analysis of tourism impacts in Silver Valley, Idaho USA. Proceedings of the International Association for the Scientific Knowledge (IASK), Global Management 2008 Conference. Porto, Portugal, Oct 13-15. (PDF 174KB, PROCEEDINGS LINK)
McCool, S.F. and P.R. Lachapelle, F. Gertsch, H. Gosselin, and V. Sahanatien. 2007. Dimensions of recreational experiences in arctic national parks: implications for stewardship. In: Watson, A.; Dean, L.; Sproull, J., comps. Science and Stewardship to Protect and Sustain Wilderness Values: Eighth World Wilderness Congress Symposium; 2005 September 30-October 6; Anchorage, AK. Proceedings RMRS-P-000. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station. (PDF 421KB)
Peer Reviewed Reports
Ross, C., A. Clarke, C. McConnell, P. Lachapelle, and J. Stansfield. 2018. Towards Shared International Standards for Community Development Practice. Glasgow, Scotland, UK: International Association for Community Development. (PDF 4.4MB)
Campbell, D., P. Lachapelle, A. Silvis, R. Hustedde, K. Walker. 2019. Plenary – The Future of Community Development. Presented at Community Development Society (CDS) 49th Annual International Conference, Columbia, MO, July 14-17.
Higgins, L., J. Daniels, M. Hamilton, and P. Lachapelle. 2019. Community Assessment Lessons from a Three State Program to Identify Best Practices in Community Economic Development Assessment, Planning & Action. Presented at National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP) Conference, Asheville, NC, June 9-12.
Watson, B., R. Johnson, L. Ricciardelli and P. Lachapelle. 2019. Seeking Shelter: A Tiny Home Solution. Presented at World Community Development Conference 2018. Dundee, Scotland, June 23-26.
Huff, J. and P. Lachapelle. 2019. Innovative practices and applications of evaluation for community and economic development. Presented at World Community Development Conference 2018. Dundee, Scotland, June 23-26.
Lachapelle, P., C. Patterson, J. Griffin, D. Albin and J. Myers. 2019. LGBTQ Rights and Community Development: A Global Roundtable. Presented at World Community Development Conference 2018. Dundee, Scotland, June 23-26.
Hustedde, R. and P. Lachapelle. 2018. The Dimensions of Love in Community Development. Presented at Community Development Society (CDS) 49th Annual International Conference, Detroit, MI, July 22-25.
Avery, L. and P. Lachapelle. 2018. Exploring Intersections in Scholarship & Practice within International Settings. Presented at Community Development Society (CDS) 49th Annual International Conference, Detroit, MI, July 22-25.
Hustedde, R. and P. Lachapelle. 2018. On the Future of Community Development Education: An International Education Project. Workshop presented at Community Development Society (CDS) 49th Annual International Conference, Detroit, MI, July 22-25.
Lachapelle, P., L. Terry, S. Davison. 2018. Community Development from a Cooperative Extension Perspective. Presented at World Community Development Conference 2018. Maynooth University, Kildare, Ireland, June 24-27.
Moss, M., P. Lachapelle, N. Bowen-Ellzey, D. Cole, K. Martin and T. Murphy. 2018. The State of Research, Education and Outreach in US Shale Oil and Gas Regions: Existing Resources and Future Opportunities. Presented at National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP) Conference, Cleveland, OH, June 10-13.
Sero, R., P.R. Lachapelle, and D. Hansen. 2017. Using an Innovative Approach to Examine Community Work: Case Studies of Qualitative Indicators. (pp 93-94) In: Hains, K., B. Hains, P. Lachapelle, and T. Rice. (Eds.). Big Skies, Bold Partnerships: Moving Mountains Together: Proceedings of the 2017 CDS-NACDEP Conference. June 11-14 2017, Big Sky, Montana, USA.
Welborn, R., P.R. Lachapelle, and L. King. 2017. Uniting Extension to Foster Community Unity. (pp 112-113) In: Hains, K., B. Hains, P. Lachapelle, and T. Rice. (Eds.).Big Skies, Bold Partnerships: Moving Mountains Together: Proceedings of the 2017 CDS-NACDEP Conference. June 11-14 2017, Big Sky, Montana, USA.
McConnell, C., P. Lachapelle, G. Rennie, J. Stansfield, and G. Wise. 2017. Creating an International Code of Ethics and Occupational Standards for Community Development Action. In: Stansfield, J. and Frankland-Hutchinson, A. (Eds.). Proceedings of ACDA and IACD Conference: Sustainably Yours, Community Development and a Sustainable Just Future. Auckland, New Zealand: Unitec Institute of Technology.
Wise, G., P. Lachapelle and J. Wolery. 2017. Community-Led Economic Development in the United States: How the Community Capitals Framework encourages sustainable approaches. In: Stansfield, J. and Frankland-Hutchinson, A. (Eds.). Proceedings of ACDA and IACD Conference: Sustainably Yours, Community Development and a Sustainable Just Future. Auckland, New Zealand: Unitec Institute of Technology.
Lachapelle, P.R., R. Brain 2016. Coordinating Extension Climate Education: A "Round-Panel" Discussion on Integrating ANREP and NACDEP Programs. Presented at National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP) Conference, Burlington, VT, June 26-29.
Smith, K. and P.R. Lachapelle Sharing Extension Outreach in Oil and Gas Impacted Areas: A "Round-Panel" Discussion 2016 Presented at National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP) Conference, Burlington, VT, June 26-29.
Sero, R. and P.R. Lachapelle 2016 Qualitative Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting DOES NOT need to be Daunting! Presented at National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP) Conference, Burlington, VT, June 26-29.
Lachapelle, P.R., 2016. Community Profiling, 2016 Community Development Extension Institute. Jackson, WY. May 22-24.
Lachapelle, P.R. and G. Wise. 2015. Community-based Climate Change programs in Montana and Wisconsin Land Grant Universities. Session presented at Community Development Society (CDS) 47th Annual International Conference, Lexington, KY, July 19-22.
McIntyre-Miller, W., P.R. Lachapelle, E. Farmer, and R. Adams. 2015. International Dimensions of Community Development: A "Round Panel" Discussion. Panel session presented at Community Development Society (CDS) 47th Annual International Conference, Lexington, KY, July 19-22.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2015. Efforts and Outcomes of the New Montana State University Extension Climate Science Team. Presented at National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP) Conference, Little Rock, AR, May 16-19.
Lachapelle, P.R., D. Clark, and A. Kent. 2015. The Montana Local Government On-line Database: An Interactive Tool for Citizens and Public Officials. Presented at National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP) Conference, Little Rock, AR, May 16-19.
Nichols, A., M. Leuci, and P.R. Lachapelle. 2015. Creating CREDible Public Value Stories. Presented at National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP) Conference, Little Rock, AR, May 16-19.
Lachapelle, P.R. and M. Rios. 2014. Community Development and Democratic Practice. Panel session presented at Community Development Society (CDS) 46th Annual International Conference, Dubuque, IA, July 18-21.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2014. Community Coaching Chautauqua. Panel session presented at Community Development Society (CDS) 46th Annual International Conference, Dubuque, IA, July 18-21.
Leuci, M., P.R. Lachapelle, and C. French. 2014. CRED Extension: Opportunities for Making a World of Difference. Presented at National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP), Grand Rapids, MI, June 22-25.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2014. Can community foundations advance democratic practice and community development? Presented at International Association for Community Development Conference (IACD) International Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, June 9-12.
Hustedde, R., T. Alter, and P.R. Lachapelle. 2014. Community development and democratic practice. Panel session presented at International Association for Community Development Conference (IACD) International Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, June 9-12.
Simon Leuci, M., C. French, D. Tootle, P. Lachapelle, S. Chazdon, S. Jakes, and W. Whitmer. 2013. A Grassroots Collaboration for a National Framework of CRED Program Impact Indicators. Presented at The Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) Galaxy IV Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. September 15-20.
Lachapelle, P.R. and N. Lansford. 2013. Local Government Extension Training: Building Competencies across Disciplines. Presented at The Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) Galaxy IV Conference, Pittsburgh, PA. September 15-20.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2013. Land-Grant University Mission in the Twenty-first Century. Presented at Foundation for Research on Economics and the Environment Conference: Boom and Bust in America: Parables from Butte, Montana, Three Forks, MT, August 19-23.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2013. International Development: A Roundtable for Practitioners and Educators, Panel session presented at Community Development Society (CDS) 45th Annual International Conference, Charleston, SC, July 21-24.
Green, J., P.R. Lachapelle, and J. Hoeling. 2013. The Community Development Society's Scholarly Publications: Meet the Editors, Panel session presented at Community Development Society (CDS) 45th Annual International Conference, Charleston, SC, July 21-24.
Hustedde, R., P.R. Lachapelle, and M. Peterson. 2013. How Can Community Development Practitioners Respond to Postmodernism? Panel session presented at Community Development Society (CDS) 45th Annual International Conference, Charleston, SC, July 21-24.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2012. Nicaragua Extension Study Trip, Presented at Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP) National Conference, Mobile, AL, Oct. 7-10, 2012.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2012. Democracy Promotion 101: Training Newly-elected Officials about Citizen Engagement in Montana, Panel session presented at Southeastern Conference for Public Administration (SECOPA), Coral Springs, FL, Oct. 3-6, 2012.
Walzer, N., P.R. Lachapelle, S. Gulick, C. Loden, M. Wall, G. Hamm. 2011. Implementing strategic approaches to community change.Panel session presented at Community Development Society (CDS) 43rd Annual International Conference, Boise, ID, July, 28-31, 2011.
Peterson, M. and P.R Lachapelle. 2011. Creating Opportunities in Challenging Times - Breakthrough Strategies to Leverage and Transform Assets. Workshop presented at Community Development Society (CDS) 43rd Annual International Conference, Boise, ID, July, 28-31, 2011.
Emery, M., P.R Lachapelle,B. Andreozzi, D. Hauser-Lindstrom and D. Kollock 2011. Community coaching: A study on the impact of coaching on communities and coaches. Panel session presented at Community Development Society (CDS) 43rd Annual International Conference, Boise, ID, July, 28-31, 2011.
Lachapelle, P.R. and W. Wedum. 2011. The use of social networking in community development. Presented at National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP), Charleston, SC, March 7-9, 2011.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2011. Evaluating the impact of local government ethics trainings: Analysis of differences between clerks, mayors and attorneys. Presented at National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP), Charleston, SC, March 7-9, 2011.
Lachapelle, P.R., D. Clark, and E. Webb. 2010. Horizons Roundtable: Lessons learned from six years of programming. MSU Extension Annual Conference. Bozeman, MT, Oct. 18-20, 2010.
Lachapelle, P.R., D. Clark, and E. Webb. 2010. Board Leadership Training Curriculum. MSU Extension Annual Conference. Bozeman, MT, Oct. 18-20, 2010.
Lachapelle, P.R. and J. McNutt. 2010. Social Media and Community Development. Presented at Community Development Society (CDS) 42nd Annual International Conference, New Orleans, LA, July, 25-28, 2010.
Lachapelle, P.R. and D. Clark. 2010. Local Government Profiling System: Developing an Interactive On-line Tool for Citizens and Public Officials. Presented at Community Development Society (CDS) 42nd Annual International Conference, New Orleans, LA, July, 25-28, 2010.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2010. Science, politics, and the art of citizenship. Keynote Speaker, 2010 Montana State University Earth Science Colloquium. Bozeman, MT. April 9, 2010.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2010. Innovative Approaches to Community Change: The Montana Horizons Program. Workshop on Innovative Community Change. Organized by the North Central Regional Center for Rural Development. Bloomington, MN, April 14-15, 2010.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2010. The Crow Men's Health Project: A collaborative research initiative between the Crow Indian Reservation and Montana State University. Presented at National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals, Bloomington, MN, April 12-14, 2010.
Lachapelle, P.R. and D. Clark. 2010. The Ethics Training Program for local government officials, employees and board members: An assessment of program design and implementation. Presented at National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals, Bloomington, MN, April 12-14, 2010.
Lachapelle, P.R. and D. Clark. 2010. Local Government Profiling System: Developing an interactive on-line tool for citizens and public officials. Presented at National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals, Bloomington, MN, April 12-14, 2010.
Arnold, S., T. Brewer, S. Hamlen, C. Kaiser, P.R. Lachapelle, A. Sarchet, and M. Reed. 2009. What the heck is a Program? Exploring Program Development needs in MSU Extension. MSU Extension Annual Conference. Bozeman, MT, Oct. 20-22, 2009.
Clark, D. and P.R. Lachapelle. 2009. Use of an interactive scenario planning game to demonstrate the future impacts of decisions. MSU Extension Annual Conference. Bozeman, MT, Oct. 20-22, 2009.
Lachapelle, P.R. and D. Clark. 2009. The Montana Horizons Program: Challenges faced and lessons learned. Mobilizing Rural Communities Conference, Rural Dynamics, Inc. Billings, MT, Oct. 7-9, 2009.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2009. Evaluating Community Visioning in Rural Montana. Presented at Community Development Society (CDS) 41st Annual International Conference, Memphis, TN, July 27-29, 2009.
Lachapelle, P.R. and J. Barnes. 2009. The Pedagogy of Board Participation and Performance: An Assessment of Training Materials and Techniques. Presented at Community Development Society (CDS) 41st Annual International Conference, Memphis, TN, July 27-29, 2009.
Lachapelle, P.R. and J. Barnes. 2009. Strengthening Board Governance in Rural Communities: The National Board Basics Curriculum Project. Presented at National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals, San Diego, CA, April 20-22, 2009.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2008. Teaching Impact of Local Government Board Trainings. Presented at MSU Extension Creative Activity and Research Forum, Montana State University Extension Annual Conference, Bozeman, Montana, October 6-9.
Roney, S.A., J.D. Johnson, and P.R. Lachapelle. 2008. A longitudinal analysis of tourism impacts in Silver Valley, Idaho USA. Presented at International Association for the Scientific Knowledge (IASK), Global Management 2008 Conference. Porto, Portugal, Oct 13-15, 2008.
Lachapelle, P.R. and D. Clark. 2008. Community visioning as a method of collective learning and community development: An analysis from select rural Montana communities. Presented at The Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) Galaxy III Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Sept. 15-19, 2008.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2008. Citizen-based techniques to address poverty in agricultural and ranching communities: Case studies from rural Montana. Presented at The 14th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM), Burlington, VT. June 10-14.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2008. Curriculum development and implementation of local government board trainings: Examples from county and municipal educational programs in Montana. Poster presentation at The Joint Council of Extension Professionals (JCEP) Galaxy III Conference, Indianapolis, IN. Sept. 15-19.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2008. Strategic community visioning as a method of collective learning, planning and action: An analysis from select rural Montana communities. Poster presentation at The Community Development Society (CDS) 40th Annual International Conference (CDS), Saskatoon, Saskatchewan Canada. June 22-25.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2007. The role of Extension in 21st Century community development and conservation. Presented at Grasslands 2010 Meeting: Toward a New Grassland Economy: Merging Land Use, Rural Development and Nature Conservation in the Northern Great Plains. The Grassland Foundation and World Wildlife Fund (WWF). Pray, MT. Oct. 29-30.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2006. Outcomes and opportunities from trust in natural resource planning. Presented at The 12th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM), Vancouver, BC, Canada. June 4-7.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2005. The International Seminar on Protected Area Management. Poster presentation at The 8th World Wilderness Congress, Anchorage, AK. Sept. 30-Oct. 6.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2005. Auyuittuq and Quttinirpaaq National Parks, Canada, Nunavut Research Summary. Presented at Parks Canada Visitor Indicators Workshop, Iqaluit, Nunavut, Canada, June 27-29.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2004. Constituencies and protected area management: Comparing social aspects of protected area management of Southern Africa and the U.S. Presented at The Treehouse Conference, Kruger NP, South Africa, July 13-15.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2004. Understanding visitor and Inuit landscape orientations in Auyuittuq National Park of Nunavut, Canada. Presented at The 10th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM), Keystone, CO. June 2-5.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2004. Understanding different orientations (visitor and Inuit) toward wild lands in Nunavut, Eastern Arctic of Canada. Presented at The 5th International Congress of Arctic Social Sciences (IASSA), Fairbanks, AK. May 19-23.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2001. Understanding power, equity and conflict in community forestry: an analysis of three Forest User Groups in Kabhre Palanchok District, Nepal. Presented at Fulbright Speakers Series, United States Information Service, American Center, Kathmandu, Nepal, Sept 4.
Lachapelle, P.R. 2000. Barriers to effective natural resource planning in a "messy" world. Presented at The 8th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management (ISSRM), Bellingham, WA. June 17-22.
2019 Global Ambassador Award, International Association for Community Development, Recognizing individuals who have made a significant contribution towards the work of the association and to the field of community development.
2019 Innovation Award, Montana Economic Developers Association; Recognizing an innovative project significantly impacting a Montana community and its citizens for the Western Community Assessment Network is a 3-year, USDA-funded collaboration among Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming to understand, evaluate, and improve how Community Reviews work and help participating communities see greater success in achieving their goals.
2017 Distinguished Career Award, National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals, Recognizing a NACDEP member who is actively engaged in extension community development programs and who has served more than seven years in extension community development programming.
2017 Excellence in Community Development Work–Team Award, National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals, Recognizing outstanding programs conducted in any aspect of community development work, for the Rapid Response Team Regarding Civil Discourse on Race Relations.
2015 Educational Technology-Team Award, National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals; Recognizing outstanding efforts for materials that educate through accurate, concise information, for The Montana State University Local Government Database Project.
2014 Educational Piece-Team Award, National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (National); recognizing outstanding efforts for materials that educate through accurate, concise information, for 2013 Montana Public Land Guide.
2014 Excellence in Community Development Work-Team Award, National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals, (Southern Region); recognizing outstanding programs conducted in any aspect of community development work, for Community Foundation Education program for the National CRED Indicators Work Group.
2014 Excellence in Community Development Work-Team Award, National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals, (Western Region); recognizing outstanding programs conducted in any aspect of community development work, for Community Foundation Education Program.
2014 Epsilon Sigma Phi, State Visionary Leadership Award; Recognizing Extension professionals whose accomplishments have resulted in leading Extension in a new direction, for MSU Extension Climate Science Initiative Working Group.
2014 Epsilon Sigma Phi Team Award - contributed significantly to the State's response to National Initiatives for Montana Community Foundation Education Program: Rural Community Development Initiative.
2012 Epsilon Sigma Phi Distinguished Service Award, Montana chapter of ESP.
2012 Educational Package - Team Award, National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (Western Region); Recognizing outstanding efforts for materials that educate through accurate, concise information, for Local Government Center publications.
2011 Donald W. Littrell New Professional Award, Community Development Society; In recognition of a superior contribution to the field of community development and the Society.
2011 Western Extension Directors Association (WEDA)Award of Excellence - Multi-State Program; Recognizing Extension outreach education programming that has achieved outstanding accomplishments, results, and impacts in addressing contemporary issues in one or more of the 13 Western states and Pacific Island US Territories, for Horizons Program in 107 high poverty, small, rural and reservation communities in Montana, Idaho and Washington.
2011 Media Presentation Award, National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals; Recognizing outstanding efforts for educational/promotional information that is accurate, concise and holds the audience's attention, for monthly Montana Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (MACDEP) E-newsletter.)
2011 Educational Piece Award, National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (Western Region); Recognizing outstanding efforts for materials that educate through accurate, concise information, for Montana Public Land Guide.
2011 Excellence in Community Development Work - Team Award, National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals, (Western Region); recognizing outstanding programs conducted in any aspect of community development work, for Montana Horizons poverty-reduction program.
2010 Trailblazers Award, Community Development Society; For Social Networking Initiative with the Community Development Society.
2010 Provost's Excellence in Outreach Award, Montana State University; Recognizing the impact of outreach efforts within the state.
2010 Western Extension Director's Award of Excellence; Recognizing Extension outreach education programming that has achieved outstanding accomplishments, results, and impacts in addressing contemporary issues in one or more of the 13 Western states and Pacific Island US Territories, for Board Leadership Curriculum.
2010 Media Presentation Award, National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals; Recognizing outstanding efforts for educational/promotional information that is accurate, concise and holds the audience's attention, for the Ethics in Local Government: A Training for City Employees, Elected Officials and Board Members of Bozeman, Montana Program.
2010 Educational Piece Award, National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (Western Region); Recognizing outstanding efforts for materials that educate through accurate, concise information, for publication - Montana Horizons Program: Transforming Communities from Striving to Thriving.
2010 Diversity Award, National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (Western Region); recognizing outstanding efforts and accomplishments in achieving and sustaining diversity in the extension organization, community development programs and/or audiences, for Crow Men's Health Project.
2009 Excellence in Community Development Work - Team Award, National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals, (Western Region); recognizing outstanding programs conducted in any aspect of community development work, for Montana Horizons poverty-reduction program.
2009 Educational Piece Award, National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals, (Western Region); recognizing outstanding efforts for materials that educate through accurate, concise information, for publication "Using Focus Groups for Community Development".
2008 Educational Package Award, National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals, Recognizes outstanding efforts for materials that educate through accurate, concise information.
2005 Outstanding Student Leader Award, University of Montana, Recognizing outstanding leadership and community service.
2005 Student Achievement Award, University of Montana, Diversity Advisory Council, Outstanding personal achievement and for campus citizenship fostering an awareness of and appreciation for cultural diversity.
2004 Bertha Morton Scholarship, University of Montana, Recognizing the top five percent of University of Montana's graduate students in academic performance, research and creative activities.
2003 George E. Bright Memorial Fellowship, University of Montana, Recognition of exceptional service to the school and academic achievement.
1996 Undergraduate Research Award, University of Vermont, Campus-wide undergraduate competition recognizing outstanding senior research.
1996 Environmental Program Honors Award, University of Vermont, Faculty award, Outstanding senior research in recognition of excellence in scholarship.
1996 Environmental Studies Achievement Award, University of Vermont, School of Natural Resources, Outstanding student achievement.
1996 Ronald D. Suiter Scholarship, University of Vermont, Academic excellence.
1996 National Park Service VIP Outstanding Service Award, Research in Yosemite National Park.
Member and Past-President, International Association for Community Development (IACD)
Book Editor, Community Development Current Issues Book Series, Routledge/Taylor & Francis
Member, Editorial Board, Community Development: Journal of the Community Development Society
Member, Community Development Society (CDS)
Member, National Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (NACDEP)
Member and Past President, Montana Association of Community Development Extension Professionals (MACDEP)
Member, Montana Economic Developers Association (MEDA)
Past President, Epsilon Sigma Phi (ESP)